More Good News about the Market

I have to admit I like seeing more & more good news about the housing market. 

  1. First I heard Mark Zandi of Moody’s economy say that Seattle will be one of the first cities to have the housing market recover. 
  2. Then yesterday I read that the national average of home sold went up in Feb as compared to Jan.  Economist were not expecting that.
  3. Then today I read that Gus Faucher of Moody’s says home sales will turn around by midyear and home prices will begin to recovering by the end of this year. 

Then on top of news I am seeing some good signs personally. 

  1. 3 weeks ago my office had 3 new transaction start.  One was a listing by an agent named Peggy Miller who got 2 offers on a listing in the same day after dropping the price.  The other two were buyers working with agents in our office. 
  2. This week we’ve had one more transaction start
  3. And an agent in our office tried to make an offer on two different homes in the past 2 weeks and each time they homes she was going to make an offer on either sold before they got the offer in, or had multiple offers on the home they wanted.

So even though prices are not up, I am definitely seeing more activity.  And that’s positive!

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